5 December 2005


This is the most embarrassing loss since the Monday Night Cowboys loss in 1998.

But, we did have some tailgating fun with a good send-off for Eric.

Eric is off to Afghanistan for a year and he will be sorely missed.  Here is the EagleMobile send-off for one of our own.

Ian says good-bye to Mr. Eric

Big Ed expounds on Eric's many nicknames

One of the cakes also expounds on one of his nicknames

The real "Globe" he must keep safe

Eric is humbled???

America will gain a warrior...

...but Annie will lose a bartender (for awhile)

The rest of the day (and night)


Virginia Salts on the half-shell

Big Ed shows Annie the proper way to put one down

Annie goes for it (with fear in her eyes)

...but she keeps it down

Sharon is a pro!!

Jimmie and Vic surround Tony (easier than surrounding Big Ed)

Mike from the Inquirer gets the background for the Section B front page shot

Tony as seen on ESPN Monday Night Countdown

Beasley and the kids

Seattle TV at the EagleMobile

Beasley is proud of his retired number on the EagleMobile

Dan from Rhode Island pays a visit

The Section 239 gang

Big Ed and the Pep Band sing Fly Eagles Fly (for the only time of the night)




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